A few years ago Warren was interviewed on CNBC. The interviewer asked him: “Where do you think gold will be trading five years from now?” His answer showed an ongoing dislike for gold as he replied: “I have no views as to where it will be, but the one thing I...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
September 29, 2015
The world has added approximately $60 Trillion in debt since 2007, much of it sovereign debt created from deficit spending on social programs, wars, and much more. In that time the world has mined perhaps 30,000 tons of gold, or about 950 million ounces, worth at...
Most of us remember cowboy movies in which a lonesome desperado acquires a sack of gold coins that everyone else wants. It’s a thankless task that typically doesn’t end well.
We call on central banks to abolish their zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) framework before more harm is done. In our assessment, ZIRP is bad for all stakeholders and may even lead to war.
It is often reported that governments and central banks have for years leased or sold their gold to bullion banks; therefore, they are unlikely to possess the tons of gold, they are said hold. Also, the bullion banks seem to be under enormous pressure recently.
This is a very important story that shows how China and Russia are becoming increasingly close and strong allies who are flexing their muscles and asserting themselves as rival superpowers to the U.S
September 28, 2015
Outright financial collapse, chaos and most probably war is not only in sight, it is imminent and unavoidable now. Normally I try to write and support my conclusions with current or past events via links to news. For this writing, because of the length and scope I...
Indubitably, the Euro Union (EU) has been and remains a modern day Greek Tragedy, which will eventually and inevitably implode as the Euro currency becomes relentlessly worthLESS. The only exiting doubts are WHEN…and the source spark causing implosion of the Euro...
There has been an unprecedented attack on gold and mining shares over the past three years emanating from financial institutions in order to support the government’s supposed success in bringing the economy back to health. And even though gold mining shares are down...
One of our long-running themes here is that the truly historic and massive flows of gold from West to East is (someday) going to stop, for the simple reason that there will be no more physical bullion left to move.
In the cartoons of my time, a steam pot that was going to blow showed clear signs of the impending explosion – the steam puffs coming out, the shaking and rattling and the circumference increasing. Much the same signs can be seen in the markets – volatile...
In this Weekend Report I would like to focus on the PM complex as it has rallied for the last several days. During most of the bear market gold has held up better than the PM stocks and silver so we’ll start there to see if we can find any clues on what’s really...
Since the flash-crash (24th of July down to $1,071), the technical picture for Gold has been improving step by step. First a $100-short-squeeze pushed Gold towards $1,170 in mid of august. Gold only briefly touched this level and corrected all the way down to $1,098...
September 27, 2015
The best technical evaluation of the chart pattern that SPX is making is that the index has started another down-phase that could turn out to be similar to the first one, which had a decline of about 250 points. Should it be exactly the same, the index could drop...
Markets broke last week as the chart suggested -- and they remain looking for lower prices in the very near future. While the direction is down, we are back in the rhythm of much of the action taking place overnight leaving us with gaps. In other-words, it’s a bit...
It cannot be an easy job these days were one a member of the Federal Open Market Committee, let alone chairing the Board of Governors of our Federal Reserve System. What we, as do diligent analysts see, doesn't always tally with what we hear from the FOMC. Yet for...
Two weeks ago, I warned that September 17th would be a critical date: the perfect storm coming together with Mercury going retrograde and Jupiter opposing Neptune on the date that the FED announces its intents regarding interest rates. I also warned that gold stocks...
We believe the stock market has started a massive Bear Market that could last many years. The top arrived for the Industrials in May 2015. Since then, a new Primary Dow Theory Bear Market Signal was generated. Since June 22nd, 2015, the stock market, as measured by...
September 26, 2015
Gold sector is on major sell signal. Cycle is up. Looking for a tradable bounce lasting a few weeks. Silver is on a long-term sell signal and investors should be in cash or short. Short-term is on buy signal and traders can play for a corrective bounce.
Over the years, I have found cycle analysis to be one of the most useful tools for helping me forecast both gold prices and silver prices. Gold and Silver cycles last topped in May, and I expected the biannual cycle lows to arrive during the July/August timeframe....
September 25, 2015
I shall briefly address the impact of negative interest rates, should they occur, at the end of this report, after looking at this week's trading. The week started with a slow downwards drift for precious metals on Monday and Tuesday before a sharp two-day rally,...
Gold has lapsed deeper into pariahdom this year, becoming the most-hated investment class in all the markets. Traders are avoiding it like the plague, utterly convinced gold is doomed to spiral lower perpetually. But this wildly-bearish psychology is dead wrong....
Stocks Candlestick, T-Bonds & US$, Gold & Silver Bottoming and GDX & GDXJ analysis via videos.
For gold traders, the trend is likely to be a fickle friend during the next year and possibly longer. Consider developing a relationship with volatility instead. When we last wrote about gold prices, we cautioned that the July decline was probably a false move – a "...
After the President of the United States, the most powerful person on the planet is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Ask almost anyone on the street for the name of the US president, and you’ll get a quick answer.
Investors have no logical reason left not to buy gold and silver. The Federal Reserve is clearly involved in a failing bluff on interest rates that it dare not raise because the global economy is entering a recession.
Since 2008 the Keynesians running global Central Banks had always suggested that there was no problem too great for them to handle. They’d promised to do “whatever it takes,” to maintain the financial system and print the world back to growth.
The vicious and ever enduring bear market in precious metals has coincided with a bull market in equities, amid a strong negative correlation. The negative correlation is nothing new as it occurred and persisted from 1973 through 1978 and also from 1996 through 2002...
The relationship between stock valuations and the gold price is another widely discussed correlation. The standard view is that these two markets are negatively linked: when the stocks go up, the yellow metal dives, and vice versa.
September 24, 2015
My obsession with keeping losses down to literal small change would have stopped subscribers out of a beautiful trade Tuesday night. With the futures hovering near 1124.00, I’d recommended bottom-fishing with an 1121.70 bid, stop 1121.40.