Hyperinflation is a dynamic process - much like a positive feedback loop that, once entered, is almost impossible to exit. The process can go on for years. In the feedback cycle, the more central banks print money and buy bonds, the less other entities want to hold...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
January 10, 2014
January 9, 2014
The New Year allows us to reflect upon the past year and set our investment goals for 2014. As for 2013, it has been an investment disaster. My retirement account, which is 100% invested in junior precious metals companies has lost a little more than 60% of its...
As we begin 2014; it seems incredible to me that we still have what is known as “an inflation/deflation debate” raging. But a debate which was merely frustrating five years ago is now absurd; because it is founded on an entirely false paradigm.
Is it just me, or are the banks, who’ve never really cared about the direction of gold bullion, turning outright negative on the precious metal?
There are two main indices tracked by commodity tracker funds: the S&P-Goldman Sachs Commodities Index and the Dow Jones UBS Commodities Index. According to S&P Indices (which manages both), total assets estimated at $155bn track these two indices, of which...
We’ve recently written quite a bit about the current technical situation in precious metals as well as the current bear market compared to past bear markets. Thus we’ve neglected sentiment somewhat. This is a good time to examine sentiment as the sector appears to...
There’s a significant cold spell out there in the Mid-East and Northeastern parts of the country. At the same time, the stock market has cooled down a little, beginning the year on a cautious note.
January 8, 2014
Now that the Fed has announced they are barely tapering their enormous stimulus program, it's more obvious than ever that a few powerful men have hijacked our economic, financial and political structure. And here's a news flash: They aren’t socialists or...
In the 1960s every new $1 in debt bought nearly $1 in GDP growth. In the 70s it began to fall as the debt climbed. By the time we hit the ‘80s and ‘90s, each new $1 in debt bought only $0.30-$0.50 in GDP growth. And today, each new $1 in debt buys only $0.10 in GDP...
For the Nasdaq-100 Index, the Bull market turned five years old in November. Wall Street hopes the hard-charging NASDAQ Bull - that has more than tripled investors’ money since Nov 2008 is still in good enough shape to keep the gains coming in Year Six. Many Main...
The economic crisis has entered a new stage; and when it ends, the bankers’ world - a paper edifice composed of credit and debt - will be in flames. In my book, Time of the Vulture: How to Survive the Crisis and Prosper in the Process (2007), I predicted a...
January 7, 2014
Since the beginning of recorded history, the lure of gold has drawn men and women to it like a moth to flame. A Greek traitor told the Persian King Xerxes about a secret goat trail that would enable his personal bodyguard, The Ten Thousand Immortals, to outflank and...
A solid 2.5 years of risk management (to varying degrees) has been required of precious metals investors. It was most intensely required after the announcement of QE3, when the net commercial short position in silver began a relentless march toward a very bearish...
The world’s largest political risk consulting firm is Eurasia Group. In an interview with CNBC news yesterday, company president Ian Bremmer predicted that in 2014, oil could easily fall to $80, or much lower.
After three years of pain, can gold stocks break their losing streak and see a gain in 2014? History says chances are good.
Snug and safe inside the silent and comforting Mogambo Big Boy Bunker (MBBB), I have a lot of spare time each day to work myself into a state of paranoid hysteria by thinking about the economic mess we are in.
Over the last 10,000 years, humans have tried two different kinds of “money.” They began with exchanges based on credit – “You give me a chicken… I’ll pay you back later, maybe by helping you build a new wigwam.”
Then, when society became too large and extensive,...
The last time housing market sentiment and precious metals prices lined up this way, we were on the cusp of massive volatility and collapse. Housing had reached the end of its long, great credit-driven rope. At the same time, defaults began to create tremors deep...
This is the time of year investors assess their IRAs and other retirement plans and strategize for the future. The upcoming year, in my view, looks to shape up as one of much danger as well as opportunity.
January 6, 2014
The year 2013 was a great year for the S&P and a terrible year for silver and gold investors. There are many indications that it is time for a reversal.
In this Weekend Report I would like to take an indepth look at gold that is showing a potential small double bottom. There is also a larger double bottom or part of a bigger consolidation pattern that also needs to be looked at. Some of the charts I’ve shown you...
Gold is a nearly perfect form of money. It is one of the few things on planet earth that contains all of the following attributes; beauty, scarcity, virtual indestructability, and is also transferable and divisible. However, even after five thousand years of utility...
Most economic observers are predicting that 2014 will be the year in which the United States finally shrugs off the persistent malaise of the Great Recession. As we embark on this sunny new chapter, we may ask what wisdom the five-year trauma has delivered. Some big...
Bernanke has the whole world trapped in his QE box. The local banks pay nothing on deposits, neither does Uncle Sam. No risk, no return, say the central-bankers-cum-central-planners. The economy lacks aggregate demand according to the head Keynesian (an oxymoron)...
If you weren’t paying close attention, 2013 might have gone down as a quasi-normal year. After all, the Dow Jones ‘Industrials’ (sic) hit 50 some new record highs, mostly in the latter half of the year. The NASDAQ went above 4,000 again (can anyone say 1999?), and...
January 5, 2014
To a lot of people a country with large foreign reserves is equivalent to a strong country. In a way it is true because a country can only accumulate foreign reserves when it is running a budget surplus. Having large foreign reserves has its advantages like enabling...
January 4, 2014
Markets were pretty quiet as would be expected until Thursday when we saw a nice down day on stronger volume. This is fine so far and the trend remains solidly in the upwards direction. Dips are still to be bought until it stops working. Keep it simple and it...
China represents the East, as its insatiable demand for buying physical gold continues unabated, while in the West, the elite’s central banks have pretty much depleted their physical holdings. In the war for gold, both are still winning, but for vastly different...
Long term – on major sell signal since Mar 2012. Short term – on buy signals. Gold sector cycle – up as of 12/27. COT data is now favorable for a bear market rally.
January 3, 2014
The chart for USO (U.S. Oil Fund) has been confusing for some time. Most recently USO rallied sharply from its November low, only to drop sharply from its December high, taking back nearly all of the gains. Typical action over the last year is that sharp price...