Last week I outlined a very bearish larger picture for the precious metals. I haven’t seen anything to change that view occur this past week with the exception of palladium.
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
March 9, 2013
To put the current financial situation in perspective, here's a long-term history of the debt-to-GDP ratio, which reached a record high at the beginning of the current crisis.
March 8, 2013
Even though the newsletter I write for Casey Research is focused primarily on gold, our metals investments cover all the precious metals, and when warranted, some base-metals plays too.
March 7, 2013
The Dow reached an all-time high of 14,253 on Tuesday and naturally, the financial press drew lots of attention to this fact. Conspicuously absent from the media attention, however, was a complete lack of enthusiasm. The perma-bull cheering section was eerily
home: Golden Jackass website
The propaganda has turned openly laughable. On the popular major financial news networks, the recent decline in the so-called Gold price has prompted quite the parade of clowns on the ship of fools to trumpet nonsense.
March 6, 2013
Every baseball player knows the saying, “3 strikes and you’re out!” Well, the dollar bugs may be about to strike out, against silver bullion.
Featured is the weekly gold chart, with the US dollar at the top. Five times during the past five years did gold and the US dollar rise in tandem. The sixth time could happen any day. In 1973 and in 2005, gold and the mining stocks rose along with the U.S. dollar...
March 4, 2013
Nobody ever said riding a (gold) bull market was easy. Unless you’re prepared to buy, close your eyes, and come back years later, then I’m afraid we have to take the good with the bad.
March 3, 2013
Over the past year my long term trends and outlooks have not changed for gold, oil or the S&P500. Though there has been a lot of sideways price action to keep everyone one their toes and focused on the short term charts.
COTs, sentiment and public opinion and a raft of technical indicators are all at low extremes that continue to indicate that gold is marking out a major low here and set to reverse to the upside before long.
Last week I mentioned I was heavily short the markets and many leading stocks. It worked out well but not as well as I’d hoped. Once the action begins to change profits have to be locked in and that’s what we did.
I’m constantly on guard not to bore my readers with tedious, repetitious comments week after week. However, with the markets acting as they are, it’s impossible not to be repetitive as the markets are mostly a repeat of the previous week’s action. How long ha
With the S&P500 closing the week out at all-time highs, it’s hard not to be long it. Now we’re looking for a new all-time high print this coming week.
March 1, 2013
Testifying before the US Senate this past Tuesday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke made an extraordinary claim about its bloated balance sheet: "We could exit without ever selling by letting it run off." What Bernanke means here is that the Fed could simply hold its
Investors sentiment for precious metals and gold and silver mining stocks has deteriorated quite substantially recently. And silver is no exception here, which can be seen on the white metal charts.
First let’s consider the outstanding performance of GOLD & SILVER since 2001. The chart below clearly demonstrates the outrageously formidable appreciation of gold and silver vis-à-vis other asset classes during the past 12 years (to March 13, 2013).
It’s hard to believe that gold’s bull market is nearly a dozen years old. And boy has it been a delight watching it mature from its 2001 infancy. It’s also been fun observing the ever-changing dynamics of gold’s structural fundamentals, particularly how the s
February 28, 2013
A sudden urge has come to address an overwhelming list of critical gritty questions. They crop up with clients, colleagues, and friends.
A sudden urge has come to address an overwhelming list of critical gritty questions.
A sudden urge has come to address an overwhelming list of critical gritty questions.
A sudden urge has come to address an overwhelming list of critical gritty questions.
There is strong empirical evidence of a direct relationship between long-term price inflation and money-supply growth.
February 27, 2013
A prominent feature of the stock market recovery since 2009 has been the declining trading volume trend. NYSE trading volume has visibly diminished over the last four years after reaching a climax in March 2009 (see below chart).
There is strong empirical evidence of a direct relationship between long-term price inflation and money-supply growth.