first majestic silver

Antal E. Fekete

Antal E. Fekete Articles

Executive summary
BARRICK EXECS CONTINUE TO EXERCISE OPTIONS AND SELL SHARES In Part Four I revealed that when it comes to owning Barrick shares, the two top Barrick executives, CEO Greg Wilkins and CFO Jamie Sokalsky have voted with their feet. In...
On Thursday, September 20, 2007, the lease rate of silver suddenly dipped into negative territory. It fell to minus 0.1 percent per annum. I wish Ted Butler stopped bitching about silver manipulation, and instead explained the behavior of...
Putting the cart before the horse
Double standard in gold hedging?
Hedging Fraudulent In earlier papers I have explained that virtually all activities of gold mines that go under the name "hedging" are fraudulent. To the extent hedges go out into the future more than one year, or they exceed the quantity...
Maximize life, not profits! In a previous article Gold Vanishing Into Private Hoards I have examined the future of gold from the demand side. Now in Peak Gold! I examine it from the supply side.
Setting up the trip-wire Gamblers shorting the dollar and bonds beware. Rumors about the imminent demise of the dollar and the bond market are grossly exaggerated. Bear in mind not only that the casino owner rigs your odds. He is also...
Introduction. While doing research in the Library of the University of Chicago in the early 1980's I came across the unfinished manuscript of a book with the title: The Dollar: An Agonizing Reappraisal. It was written in the year 1965. It...

18 karat gold is 75% pure gold.

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