As this is being penned, I am seated in my den just after 7 a.m. looking out into the pitch darkness of an early December morn and the only light is a reflection off the cool waters of the lovely swamp Lake Scugog emanating from the...
As this is being penned, I am seated in my den just after 7 a.m. looking out into the pitch darkness of an early December morn and the only light is the reflection off the cool waters of the lovely Swamp Lake Scugog emanating from the...
As I peruse my favourite website in search of technical patterns for various commodities and stocks, I am reminded of the soon-to-be-immortal words of former stock salesman and current Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell where he announced a major...
I don’t know about you, but if you want my unfiltered opinion of the Year of our Lord 2020, I would rank it in at least the bottom 2% in many respects but only in terms of a sixty-seven year sample size – and it has nothing at all to do...
With a mere twenty-six days to the election of the “leader of the free world”, the richest, most powerful country in human history, financial markets are noticeably apprehensive as to outcome and understandably concerned with the reaction...
There is a great story surrounding the late Joe Kennedy, father of former U.S. president John F. Kennedy, and a Wall Street robber baron of the highest order. A dedicated market player in the 1920s, as rumor (or myth) would have us believe...
This week, the financial community around the globe was handed a "new approach" by the Federal Reserve Board of the United States that essentially flipped the middle finger at savers, senior citizens on limited pensions and proponents of...
I was sitting with my partner on the porch this evening watching the squirrels and chipmunks and cardinals and blue jays all feasting upon a smorgasbord of sunflower and other assorted seeds amidst a conflagration of floral colours...
Before I begin this weekly missive (which is being penned on a Wednesday due to my impending cruise to the northern habitats of Georgian Bay), I need to present one quote that for me summarizes everything there is to know about risk...
Having only just returned from the majesty of Georgian Bay, where the first fishing derby of the season had me summarily trounced by my female partner 12-5 with most of her catches in the 1-2 pound category with mine barely larger than the...