Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD
Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD Articles
The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
It is foreseeable that once this period of willful self-delusion reaches its apex; the citizens of this nation will make their voices heard and new economic and political theories will emerge to replace the old tried and failed, Keynesian...
It's supposed to measure the total value of all goods and services however, how do you go about accounting for Government? So, just like estimating INFLATION, they measure the output simply by playing around with some kind of self-...
Amid all the Red Herrings splashed across the entire Media, the one really big and significant event, which was completely ignored by the Media, happened on Saturday 9/12: We had the first huge demonstration against being taxed to death....
Before we get into anything heavy, let me inform you that the August 1st letter was sent out on time. Should any of you have not received it, please let me know and we will get it out to you post haste. In my 50 years of studying economic...
As I was scribbling notes preparing to write this missive, I came across Jim Willy's excellent latest piece on Gold-Eagle (a must read) and although I actually comfortable standing out there all alone, I was pleased to discover that he too...
"The Poor Stay Poor & the Rich Get Richer"
Today's situation reminds me of a time back in the 1960's when I owned a cigarette vending machine business. As I was walking into the local illegal gambling joint...