first majestic silver

Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD

Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD Articles

  Before we can even begin to discuss interest rates intelligently, we must first define what it is that we are actually talking about, since it appears that all the talking Media Heads and Wall Street analysts don't seem to understand...
This time it's different: Even though we eventually discover to our sad consternation that this time it's never different, when it comes to a 1930's type depression, the FED governors and our economists have us believing that this time it...
Denial is always the first stage that marks the beginning of a Bear Market: There is no better example than the one that can be seen when observing today's real estate market. What else would you call it besides DENIAL when every real...
Back in late 1979, the lineups to buy Gold looked more like lineups of people waiting to buy Stanley Cup Hockey tickets at the then Famous Montreal Forum. There they stood all wrapped up in their parkas, ski jackets, and bulky sweaters...
Before we start, some definitions regarding the money supply are in order. M1, Money Supply, consists of cash plus checking accounts and travelers checks. M2 consists of M1 plus retail money market funds, savings and small time deposits....
The S&P 500 WILL BE UP 10 to 15% IN 2007 For the first time since 2001 all the analysts surveyed by Barron's are in unanimous agreement that the S & P 500 will be up 10% at the very least. Well the surest bet for 2007 is that not...
THIS TIME ITS DIFFERENT 1929-30 = 1972-1973 = 1999-2000 = 2006-2007
To listen to the Bears over the past few years, you would have thought we would all be in breadlines and soup kitchens by now. So far, all of the ranting about doom and gloom sounds more like the boy who cried wolf than accurate...
THE INTEREST RATE CONUNDRUN An inverted yield curve was always thought to be a harbinger of recession, but low and behold we are in a Goldilocks Economy instead; or are we? In the past, inverted yield curves were usually caused by a...

Palladium, platinum and silver are the most common substitutes for gold that closely retain its desired properties.

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