Doug McIntosh

Doug McIntosh Articles

It's only fair since the term is tossed around so much I tell you what I think it is. My explanation may not be the one you expect, but then I'm eccentric and proud of it. The idea of the New World Order goes back, way back into the mists...
I guess the American consumers simply refuse to let go. In my last essay I reversed what I was trying to say about consumer confidence. Hey I'm free. And thanks for the surly emails accusing me of being too cynical. Now where would anyone...
If the global system twitches anymore, it will be confused with a cow suffering from mad cow disease. Maybe we should call it mad economy disease with the chief vet being Mr. Magoo. Mr. Magoo is having as much success with the economy as...
Look what the global elite has gone and done. Look at the mess the best and brightest have gotten all of us into. Mr. Bonner of comments that there is smart money and dumb money; then, there is money so stupid it...
Unless the trends change instantly, the United States is facing a series of crisis' by Easter. It's ironic that exactly one year after armed government thugs terrorized and kidnapped Elian Gonzalez, who now is Fiddle Castro's prize exhibit...
No doubt about it: the Fed is in heavy panic mode. Having renamed BushLeaguer as Bushocio, it's only fair that Alan the Magician gets similar treatment. My last essay was, how should we put it, somewhat critical of Alan the Magician and...
Before I get to the deteriorating American economy, I feel duty bound to issue a few final comments about the child king. The man is a disgrace. As if his entire term hasn't been mired in the septic tank from day one, he spends his final... readers will understand if I break into a rousing chorus of "Ding, Dong, The Wicked Witch is dead", from the 1939 movie "Wizard of Oz." The amoral opportunist child king Clinton is finally gone from power. He's now begun his...
The economic horizon is dark with approaching storm clouds. This much is obvious to any reasonable person wondering what the new year will bring. The official Y2K begins on December 31st at midnight. We will yet see the level of economic...
Just how low can the NASDAQ go? The answer, based on the factual, historical record, is 87%. 87% is what the New York stock exchange lost in value between October 1929 and its eventual bottom in 1933. What about Holland's Tulip Mania in...

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