Doug McIntosh

Doug McIntosh Articles

Nobody can say that our local volcano didn't give us plenty of warning before it exploded in 1980. The line isn't from dead silence to massive explosion; the line is hundreds of small earthquakes, a brief silence and THEN, the big...
Recent events are lining up for an economic and political crisis of global proportions. Anyone not living in a permanent stupor must be nervous about the current situation. The $%^#$ has hit the fan and boy, it's flying everywhere.
First a correction from my last essay. A sharp eyed reader informed me that the boy character in "Lost in Space" was Billy Mumy and not Billy Mumford. God, I love you guys.
Way back in the 1960's, there was an American television show called "Lost in Space". In this show, a robot, quaint by modern standards, would shout out "Danger Will Robinson" when danger appeared. Will Robinson, a young boy character...
You have to wonder about the thought process' of the American people and their leaders. Are they so deluded they believe this stuff? The child king actually thinks it is a credible economic response to high oil prices to release 30 million...
The price of gold is poised to explode because the world is poised to explode. The precious metals big bang theory in action. As we enter fall 2000, there are three or four, at least, flash points likely to impact precious metals markets....
Now that the Camp David talks have failed over the status of Jerusalem, it's time to look at the effect on the Precious Metals markets this fall. First, there is likely to be a pronounced effect if there is MidEast political instability,...
There is symbolism both in American politics and economics. In neither case, is the symbolism positive. First, the spiritual and political symbolism of the Elian Gonzales case. Rescued on Thanksgiving, seized by the Renonistas on Easter...
The herd must be getting nervous. Peter Jennings on ABC's Evening News has told us about the collapse of both and the Digital Entertainment Network on the same day. Looks like all the NASDAQ doomers weren't so loony after all. The...
It's fitting that I write this essay on the twentieth anniversary of the Mt. Saint Helen's Volcano. To truly understand raw power there's nothing quite like observing an exploding volcano from a safe distance. One wit even put a white dust...

India and the U.S. trump Italy as top gold jewelry exporters.

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