Doug McIntosh

Doug McIntosh Articles

The prospect of a sound American government fiscal policy under either Republocrat nominee is bleak at best. Precious metals should do quite well as the economic structural rot is further exposed, like a receding gumline. The pain of...
It's the fiat money stupid. Exactly what will it take for the American people to see the linkage between fiat money, inflation, political and economic corruption? All they have to do is look overseas for yet another example of what happens...
There were a series of movies made in the 1940's and 50's chronicling the adventures of a fictional American "hillbilly" couple called Ma and Pa Kettle. I'm thinking the stock market version should be called "Ma and Pa Kettle at the...
You have to admire the organized reassurance effort underway in the media. CBS' MarketWatch highlights the NASDAQ's implosion and then recovery yesterday as "NASDAQ gets its Sea Legs." Sea Legs? No. What happened yesterday was the...
The Grand Democratic Experiment is over in Russia. It has been deliberately ended in abject failure with the election of the KGB monster Putin. Mr. Putin, like his mentally ill name sake Rasputin, has bewitched the Russian people with his...
"Qui Desiderat Pacem, Praeparet Bellum" or Let him who desires Peace, prepare for war. So spoke the ancient Roman Flavius Renatus in 200 B.C. About the same time in ancient China, the poet/warrior Sun Tzu was writing a military treatise...
The organized effort to suppress the coming Y2k public panic has failed. The orchestrated media campaign by utilities, the public relations propaganda blitz by corporations, especially banks and Wall Street, and the massive...
Money is whatever people agree it is. At various times and places in history, money has ranged from sea shells and gold coins to paper currency and now electronic debit cards. The form of money is not important; money merely symbolically...

Seventy-five percent of all gold in circulation has been extracted since 1910

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