Bear's Lair

Bear Markets always follow Bull markets and a severe stock market correction is long overdue. Bears Lair will spot, monitor and analyze the stock market correction as it develops.


Two weeks ago we published an article titled "Gold and Deflation" in which we argued that the gold price would fall during a period of genuine deflation (a period during which the total supply of money and credit was shrinking).

The economy is receiving mixed reviews. From moment to moment, we hear goods news and bad news. The lack of a definitive economic assessment has held the Dow Jones Industrial Index in an anemic limbo for most of this year.

Illicit Interest Arbitrage

Safety is important to all of us. I happen to live in a small town because I love the atmosphere, the weather, close proximity to America's most rugged mountain range, and because it is a safe place to live.

A fatal flaw in "specialist education" is that it provides one with canned answers in search of recognisable questions. Economists thus tend to think in economic terms, Accountants in accounting terms, and so on.

It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.

The purpose of this essay is to show just how distorted (overpriced) the US stock markets have become during the last decade.

Persisting faith . .

In these times of faltering growth and worries about a relapse into recession, we ask pointed questions about the competency of our leaders and policymakers. Is Mr. Bush not doing his job? Is Mr. Greenspan not doing his?

What if the major stock market averages were to trade in a wide range over the next 15 to 20 years, between 6000 and 12000ish on the Dow for instance? Could you name that tune?

The opening statement of the signatories to the Washington Agreement stated, "Gold will remain an important element of global monetary reserves".

Most people will be surprised to discover (as I was) that the long "Kondrat'eff Wave" about which so much has been written is less an Economic phenomenon than it is a Biological phenomenon.

Popped Bubbles Expose Lies

Inflation And Prices


One year after . .

The most wonderful thing has happened! The recovery has arrived. The recession is over, and there are sunny skies ahead. Ask anyone on CNBC, if you don't believe me. Ask Sir Greenspan, and he'll tell you.

Deflation is popularly defined as a general fall in prices; it is the opposite of what most people generally think of as inflation.

Hello everyone, this is Joe Foster with a Gold Market Update on Monday, September 9th, 2002. Our next Update will be on Monday, October 7th, 2002.

Once lauded in congressional love-fests and accorded rock-star-like status by legions of stock market investors, Federal Reserve Chief Alan Greenspan is increasingly being attacked by critics.

Absent Wall Street & Political Spin, We saw No Promising Signs

The Portuguese Bank Note Case

"We can't ensure success, but we can deserve it"

George Washington

December Gold: $319.80

Critical underlying support: $317.50

Critical overhead resistance: $324-$326

Would you put Greasy Smeazy's Motor Oil in your Mercedes, Ford, or even lawn mower? Of course not. "Greasy Smeazy" would be the hallmark of that motor oil.

Durban Roodeport Deep (symbol: DROOY) is a stock that is very near and dear the hearts of thousands of traders and investors.

This study was originally made and published in 1997. However, the gold market has made a secular bull reversal movement to warrant a revisit and reevaluation of future projections.


Following is a quick commentary of major markets based on some very simple observations of their charts as at the end of this past week.

Bullish Markets

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Goldschläger and Goldwasser are liqueurs containing pure gold flakes.

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