On July 5th, the Dow Jones Industrial average soared more than 300 points on light volume. Weekend television commentary immediately seized the opportunity to encourage investors that the worst was likely to be over.
Bear's Lair
Bear Markets always follow Bull markets and a severe stock market correction is long overdue. Bears Lair will spot, monitor and analyze the stock market correction as it develops.
We hear stories from our government and establishment in general that everything is OK in the economy. But does anyone really believe government numbers anymore?
There is no greater genius than the man who bounces our own ideas right back at us.
That was our first thought upon reading a subscriber's letter to Richard Russell, on his website.
I would like to thank all of you that responded to my inaugural article, making it by your measures a resounding success.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson
The plain answer is NO, so you don't have to continue reading, if you don't want to.
I extend a hearty welcome to my audience at the first university course offered in the 21st century on the gold standard, made possible by Gold-Eagle University, an educational website to offer you knowledge put under ta
With each passing month, the bear market that began approximately in the first quarter of 2000 is making its presence more fully known on Wall Street and the economy with no sign of let-up in sight.
Jean-Marie Messier arrived at the pearly gates. "This is heaven?" he asked. "Yes, Mr. Messier, enter," came the response. Behind the doors, Messier saw flames shooting up and desolation everywhere.
Fresh 4 year highs (nearly) in the price of wheat pushed CRB futures to new 52-week highs, as wheat bulls continued to try and complete a rounding bottom on the long term charts Monday.
The first half of the year ended with some curious excitement in the gold market. On Friday (June 28), gold drifted lower, looking to close down about three dollars at the $317 level on the nearest (August) COMEX futures.
Identification of the secular bear market in advance
If stocks have changed direction, where can you put your assets? Interestingly, the flight to quality has been substantially delayed by hope. We all keep hoping equities will recover.
Doth any man doubt, that if there were taken out of men's minds, vain opinions, flattering hopes, false valuations, imaginations as one would, and the like, but it would leave the minds, of a number of
I have long been a cycles fan. My background is in Economics so my introduction to cycles came through studying economic cycles. There is a branch of technical analysis that also studies cycles.
We have been treated to a whole slew of the late, unlamented, Arthur Andersen accounting tricks, which have left millions of Americans without their retirement savings, investment nest eggs, and future hopes. How tragic!
According to "supply-side" economics, the key to economic growth and prosperity is low marginal tax rates.
Gold market observers in Europe joke about it by saying: 'Good Morning America!' or 'You can set your watch by it'. What happens when New York wakes up? Generally, the price of gold falls.
We've received several e-mails expressing concern over the passage of a new law in South Africa that aims at transforming the country's mining industry by giving the government control of mineral rights.
As the morals of this world continue to careen downhill like a hippopotamus on Rollerblades attempting to negotiate Lombard Street in the dark, one can only thank one's lucky stars that those beacons of probity and virtue, CEOs of
With all the insanity currently going on why not add in a near miss from an asteroid last Friday? Now, wouldn't that have made for an interesting stock market day!
Are you a villain or just naïve?
Question put to George Gilder by
one of his subscribers.
Paperman was rich. He had influence beyond most imaginings. He was revered everywhere in America. Paperman's tentacles extended into everyone's life, be they rich or poor.