Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


June 8, 2011

The combination of $trillion bond fraud, dependence on inflating home equity for economic development, oversized cars, oil dependence, constant market intervention, insolvent banks, insolvent homes, outsourced industry, endless war, budget deadlock amidst runaw

June 6, 2011

Everyone knows people make mistakes when rushed to do something or if they are scared of something bad happening.

June 4, 2011

There has been a lot of talk about another financial crisis coming, and it may have been kicked off by Mark Mobius, who says it's inevitable because the causes of the previous one haven't yet been resolved.


GLD - on buy signal.

Dennis Gartman exemplifies the gold punditry all too frequently seen on television financial programming. I'm sure Mr. Gartman is a decent guy. I'm not questioning his integrity.

June 2, 2011

It was a crazy session as the stock market slid over 2% on heavy volume. This type of price action means fear has taken control of masses and they are unloading (selling their stocks) in anticipation of much lower prices.

May 31, 2011

May 30, 2011

In the case of Richard Russell the answer is certainly not. This is because Richard Russell is right most of the time, especially over the longer-term outlook, despite, or perhaps because of being an octogenarian (in his 80's).

The great Khan (Chinese ruler), causes the bark of trees, made into something like paper, to pass for money all over his country." …Marco POLO, (1254 - 1324 Traveling explorer from Venice).


May 28, 2011

It's finally a long weekend in the US which means markets are closed Monday. The last thing anyone should be doing this weekend is working much and that includes myself for once.

GLD - buy signal this week.

SLV - buy signal this week.

May 27, 2011

While the stock markets have enjoyed an outstanding busy season, the dreaded summer doldrums are now upon us. This vacation season usually heralds listlessly-grinding markets, sometimes significant selloffs, and rarely meaningful rallies.

May 25, 2011

It is not clear whether the American financial community has the ability to observe and conclude that the US Federal Reserve is adrift and relies upon deception as policy in revealing its directions.

May 22, 2011

In my recent review of the bankster assault on the silver market, I alluded to the fact that we knew there was no "bubble" in the silver market, since there had not been the build-up of inventories which must take place before any commodity cou

May 21, 2011


GLD - on sell signal.

May 20, 2011

Commodities prices have been exceptionally volatile in recent weeks, with big daily rallies and plunges intermingled. Seemingly without rhyme or reason, commodities surge one day as traders crave riskier bets but then fall the next as they flee risk.

May 19, 2011

Having pumped the financial system with liquidity for over two years, Ben Bernanke has now decided to take his foot off the pedal temporarily. Indeed, the Fed is not only NOT launching QE 3 soon, but is going to let QE2 end.

May 18, 2011

Lately there have been calls for the US to sell some or all of their gold in order to help reduce the debt and budget deficits.

In 2010 the US went into debt a further $3.5 billion each day.

May 16, 2011

How can any Economist, Analyst or other type of seer or prognosticator completely ignore Government actions and policy changes, including the consequences both intended and unintended, of Fiscal and Tax policy and still expect to be creditable?

May 15, 2011

Aren´t silver investors funny?? - they were raving bullish when the price was close to $50, now that it's down about $15 and near to $35 they are despondent. In the words of that famed alien with pointed ears, this is "highly illogical".

May 14, 2011

It is no longer a matter of whether or not you should buy gold and/or silver but, rather, which type of investment(s) and how much.

There is a pattern that just jumps out at us, which we want to present as our new highest probability scenario for the big picture.

Let's start off today with an old classic by Olivia Newton John, "Let's Get Physical." Cheesy? Absolutely. But, as it applies to the precious metals market, it's what you really want to do.


GLD - on sell signal.

Futures contracts are a market solution designed to hedge tomorrow's uncertainties; the risk of unforeseen future events ruining the best laid plans of today.

May 12, 2011

In a single week, the manic euphoria gripping silver recently was utterly obliterated. After promising such rapid wealth creation, this metal collapsed in what can only be described as a near-crash.

May 9, 2011


GLD - on sell signal.

May 8, 2011

May 7, 2011

It was a week like we haven't seen since the beginning of the crash in early 2008, but this time it was mostly in the commodity sector.

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