Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


June 15, 2006

The recent plunge in the price of gold has caused shell-shocked investors to second guess their previous outlook for the metal. However, in the midst of a roller coaster market it can be very easy to lose touch with the broader perspective.

Did you ever see a better buying opportunity than the last few days? Did you ever see a worse day for futures holders, many of whom were wiped out? Did you ever see a worse period for holders of the Dow, NASDAQ, et al, when the bottom fell out?

June 14, 2006

Gold plunged today as the steep but orderly decline from a “Matterhorn” top gave way to a stampede for the exits as blind panic set in - normally a symptom of a bottom.

June 13, 2006

"I am pleased to report the inflation monster has been captured and placed in a jar".

Thank you for your feedback and comments in regards to my previous commentary, "A golden opportunity?" In reaction, many readers have asked me why is it that after having been a consistent buyer of the gold market for the past five years, now am a seller of gol

June 9, 2006

All four are termed 'commodities,' but all four are different. Let's examine them all briefly, and see what attributes, liabilities, and chances one takes in investing in them.


June 8, 2006

Recently I conducted some economic research on the last bull market we experienced in precious metals from 1970-1982.

Back in the late 1990's telecommunication companies such as Cisco, Nortel, and Lucent sold or, though various vendor financing schemes, pretended to sell, vast quantities of equipment to money losing start-ups.

June 7, 2006

In "Elliott Wave Update IV" published on 19 February 2006, the following was the summary of my views on gold at that time:

Summary of Gold Update IV:

June 6, 2006

June 5, 2006

The World, the Economy and the Stock Market in particular, always act like a giant pendulum, swinging from under valuation to over valuation, deflation to inflation, paper assets to hard assets, calm to turmoil.

As an investor, there are two main values of the U.S. dollar to monitor:

The current gold price correction has probably been completed in terms of price magnitude but the correction may not be completed in terms of time duration and complexity.

June 3, 2006

When the silver corpse stirs, money doctors run

June 2, 2006

"We bought gold at 640 today."

June 1, 2006

In today's style over substance economy, the job of Treasury Secretary has devolved into a pitch man for the government's economic disinformation campaign.

This is one of those times when the Elliott Wave labeling suggests we are approaching a top for a correction in a new down-trend, however there was so much buying power generated in Thursday's rally in major equity markets that reliable "buy" signal

It's really difficult to be objective about something one despises so much, but here goes. Why hate a bureaucrat or bureaucracy? Simply because they are so inefficient, self serving, wasteful, costly, and pervasive, if that's reason enough..

May 31, 2006


May 30, 2006

Greenspan's long-ago warning of 'irrational exuberance' still rings true. No one listened then, and No one is listening now?

Technical chart analysis is called an art form, highly subjective, given to experienced interpretation, and not the least a hard science.

May 26, 2006

As U.S. inflation is beginning to be taken a bit more seriously, the dollar has found some temporary support as traders anticipate higher interest rates from a more aggressive Fed.

May 25, 2006

Lease rates are spiking up again.

My view here is that the shorts are leasing silver and are "dumping" what they have leased into the market in an attempt to get the price down as much as possible.

May 24, 2006

We are fast entering the other side to statistical distortion, as an unusual combination has revealed itself. If it were not so destructive, it would be hilarious.

The much anticipated and much needed new ETF for precious metals stocks has finally debuted on 5/22, without much fanfare. In fact, there is very little info on the web. Reason is obvious, gold bulls are not in a celebratory mood these past few days.

May 21, 2006

The action on Friday was characteristic of a reversal and it was sector wide with Reversal Days showing up in the charts of the gold stock indices and many gold and silver stocks.

May 20, 2006

This week Wall Street finally began to acknowledge the possibility that all is not necessarily sanguine on the inflation front after all.

 “Silver is rarer than gold. Period. There is less silver in the world, above ground than there is gold. That is easy to document.

May 19, 2006

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In 1934 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt devalued the dollar by raising the price of gold to $35 per ounce.

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