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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


March 2, 2001

Just so you know, it is widely held in close gold-bug circles that physical gold is being held back by certain Central Banks, including our own Fed. They do this in order to make inflation look low, to protect a number of large bullion from get

February 28, 2001

Unless the trends change instantly, the United States is facing a series of crisis' by Easter.

Perhaps no single number more fully embodies the essence of the rhythmic fluctuations which characterize human affairs than that of the number 30.

February 26, 2001

I would imagine that deep in the mind of any new president taking the oath of office for the first time stirs the thought, "Will I stand here again four years from now?

On Thursday of last week, GATA reported that The World Gold Council sent out a letter that day to its sponsoring members. Bull Murphy said that from what he heard it spoke of some problems in the physical gold market.

Perhaps no single number more fully embodies the essence of the rhythmic fluctuations which characterize human affairs than that of the number 30. Its significance to the realms of finance, economics, physics, mathematics, astronomy, and religion is integral to a...

February 25, 2001

The gold price has fallen for years. A conspiracy theory accuses world central and fat-cat banks of massive manipulation.

Some people argue that the price of gold is being kept `artificially' low in order to obtain a global gold price of reduced value. Dr.

Leisure is the measure of money; the fundamental use of money is to store value, and leisure is the fundamental measure of value. *

Leisure is the measure of money; the fundamental use of money is to store value, and leisure is the fundamental measure of value. *

February 24, 2001

There is little in the current literature on securities analysis that approaches the accurate method of forecasting stock prices based on the so-called "fundamentals." Although much ado is made of fundamental analysis in the financial realm, very few practition

February 23, 2001

The brief two-week rally we forecast for the listed stocks this week failed to materialize as the dominant short-term cycle apparently topped early. A decline began early this week and has intensified as of this writing at mid-week.

February 22, 2001

The barbarous relic has long been demonized by inflationists of all persuasions who rankle at its ability not only to restrict their ability to counterfeit the claims needed to pay for their social programmes, without explicitly asking taxpayers first, but at the...

February 21, 2001

Within striking distance of late December lows . .

February 20, 2001


February 19, 2001

Jim: And welcomes back everyone. Its time to introduce our expert of the day. Joining me on the program is David Morgan.

February 17, 2001

There is no way I can do proper justice to my trip to South Africa, but I will cover it as best I can. While it would have been better to write details down as the days went by, there was little time to do so.

February 16, 2001

After starting at $262.80 two weeks ago, gold rallied to the $268 level in reaction to the 50 basis point Fed rate cut on January 31, but has since declined to close at $259.90 on Friday.

No Saint Valentine's Day masscare . .

February 14, 2001

"Rather than representing a temporary slow-down in the growth of equity valuations, current market conditions threaten to make temporary bearish sentiments into an entrenched bearish reality."

September 20, 2000 – Peaked Peaks?

February 11, 2001

With the price of gold at $260, the gold manipulators have succeeded in pushing the price of gold to a level not seen since just before the Washington Agreement. Given its current price, gold mining has become a most unattractive business.

No doubt about it: the Fed is in heavy panic mode. Having renamed BushLeaguer as Bushocio, it's only fair that Alan the Magician gets similar treatment.

February 10, 2001

The power to tax involves the power to destroy." Chief Justice John Marshall

February 9, 2001

Gloomy guidance reignited fears . . . that are somewhat correct regarding what is a litany of concerns that may continue to weigh-heavily on the equity markets.

About two years ago a few people in America accepted the fact that there is intervention in the gold market to keep the price of gold under pressure and proceeded to form an association that intended to expose this practice.

About two years ago a few people in America accepted the fact that there is intervention in the gold market to keep the price of gold under pressure and proceeded to form an association that intended to expose this practice.

February 6, 2001

The high octane fuel pumped into the stock market in a panic attempt by the Fed to keep the U.S. economy from falling off a cliff, seemed to have already been mostly consumed by the end of this past week, judging by faltering stock prices on Friday.

February 5, 2001

Before I get to the deteriorating American economy, I feel duty bound to issue a few final comments about the child king. The man is a disgrace.

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