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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


January 1, 2001

We noted that the O'Higgins process calls for you to determine whether to be on the long end of the yield curve if the price of gold declined during the most recent year compared to the prior year.

December 30, 2000

The economic horizon is dark with approaching storm clouds. This much is obvious to any reasonable person wondering what the new year will bring. The official Y2K begins on December 31st at midnight.

Stagflation: a term coined by economists in the 1970s to describe the previously unprecedented combination of slow economic growth and rising prices.


December 29, 2000

A delicate balancing act . .

December 23, 2000

The sky is falling? Actually, most of the market is way past that bubble-bursting projected in the forecast for this year, presented over a year ago, and with roots dating to our bullish-to-bearish turn in Apr

December 21, 2000

The price of gold, in our opinion, seems to be winding up for a further upward move from its November "intermediate bottom".

December 20, 2000

It was not long after the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee was formed almost two years ago that I sent out a missive elucidating GATA's strategy to defeat the Gold Cartel:

It has long been observed that the stock market is the only trading avenue in which low prices repel potential buyers and high prices attract them. This maxim has especially been proven in recent years in the natural resource and raw materials sectors.

December 18, 2000

All Eyes on The Greenback

December 15, 2000

Prospective political response patterns . .

December 12, 2000

The June 1972 break-in at the Democratic headquarters in the Watergate building in Washington, DC, seemed at the time suspicious to even the casual observer of government intrigue.

December 11, 2000

Never in history was gold manipulated down as extensively as it was under Bretton Woods agreements.

December 10, 2000

The following Complaint was filed on December 7, 2000, in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts. For publication here, the original document has been converted to HTML format.

December 8, 2000

Elements of a bottom gelled . .

How Could Irving Fisher Have Been So Wrong?

Yesterday, Alan Greenspan gave a speech and everyone rejoiced.

December 6, 2000

The price of gold, in our opinion, has finally successfully completed a fourteen month test of the move from its 1999 "bottom" of $ 254 an ounce to $ 324 an ounce in early October 1999.

December 4, 2000

November 15, 2000

The Crash of 1987

Memo To: Bob Woodward, Washington Post

From: Jude Wanniski

Re: Alan Greenspan, the Maestro

On Oct. 24th (the weekend) I wrote an article titled "Newmonts Big Clue" for GOLD-EAGLE. In that article I outlined the very high confidence big picture Ewave pattern unfolding in NEM and said, "a Wave 4 rally ended on 9-12 at 19.81.

The Canadian dollar saw a strong rise during 1999. See the Finance Dept website.

December 1, 2000

Midweek heaviness . .

Just how low can the NASDAQ go? The answer, based on the factual, historical record, is 87%. 87% is what the New York stock exchange lost in value between October 1929 and its eventual bottom in 1933.

A recent discovery has shed new light on our understanding of economic cycles.

November 30, 2000

1. Gold is Undervalued. Right now, the price of gold is trading at $266 per ounce. The following figures put the current price of gold in historical perspective:

November 29, 2000

Nobody can say that our local volcano didn't give us plenty of warning before it exploded in 1980. The line isn't from dead silence to massive explosion; the line is hundreds of small earthquakes, a brief silence and THEN, the big explosion.

A true bear market is like being sandpapered to death. It takes at least one step up for every three steps down. And so far, this bear is pretty much following that precedent.

Has the euro bottomed? Is it likely to rally any time soon? Will it survive in its current form? For those who wish to skip the following 1500 words of opinion and analysis the short answers to these questions are no, yes and no.

November 27, 2000

From time to time we like to take a break from the routine of covering all the various capital markets and focus specifically on gold.

The tragedy of the Kursk reminds us of the shambles that is Russia. It follows upon the embarrassment of Chechnya. And both of these, it is reasonably deduced, result from the failure of the Russian economy.

To: Al Gore

From: Bob Rubin

Subject: For your consideration

Dear Al,

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