Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


August 5, 2015

The belief that the Fed’s QE (Quantitative Easing) does not directly boost the US money supply remains popular, even though it is obviously wrong. This is remarkable. It’s even more remarkable, however, that this wrongheaded belief is dearly held by some analysts...

After gold declined to a 5-year low, the message is that gold is doomed. Is it really true? In the past few weeks, the price of gold has suffered a significant decline, indicated by multiple technical signals and triggered by China's disappointing disclosure of its...

..there was an element of hypocrisy..being leveled at Greece by France and Germany. It’s hypocritical to ignore the fact that a not insignificant amount was spent on buying [expensive] weapon systems from EU members Germany and France.

The deluge of negative publicity regarding gold in recent weeks would give one the impression that it was now worthless and serves no function in a portfolio. We believe this publicity is greatly exaggerated and will be seen as folly in the coming months.

I wrote a story about poor Clarence who retired in 1979, and even poorer Larry who retired last year. I created these characters to challenge the notion of calculating a real interest rate by subtracting inflation. The idea is that the decline of a currency can be...

It’s enough that the mainstream financial media seems hell-bent of bashing gold. (Of course, silver gets hardly a mention). But GATA’s Chris Powell has been on a tirade of late, picking apart the lower hanging fruit of these theories and misplaced assumptions, if...

August 4, 2015

If you were to travel back in a time machine to just one year ago, how many market calls would you find for gold to break $1,000? I will give you a hint: It’s significantly less than the amount of bullish analysts left in the metals complex at this point in time....

In a blog post a couple of weeks ago I noted that it’s normal for large and fast price declines in the major financial markets to be accompanied by unusually-high trading volumes, meaning that it’s normal for large and fast price declines in the major financial...

For years now China has been heralded as an economic miracle that will drive the global economy towards growth and eventually eclipse the US as THE superpower in the world.

It is not often I write something as important as what follows. It was said after the last crash that "no one could've seen it coming". This was not so back then and is not so today. If you were looking for the truth in 2007, the average investor had ample...

Gold has become a very confusing market, as we make a major low. We do not think that most people understand the significance of the low that is about to be made in this market, from a financial point of view!

In an inflationary environment, silver bullion and junior/intermediate gold stocks tend to outperform gold bullion and senior gold stocks.

Gold: the monetary metal that central bankers, politicians, and Too-Big-To-Fail bankers publicly hate. The Cockroach Strategy: A cynical but depressingly accurate view of politics that can assist your investment decisions. It assumes the following:

Bear markets typically have an economic or monetary policy catalyst. David Rosenberg, Chief Economist & Strategist for Gluskin Sheff, summed up the things to look for during a transition from a bull market to a bear market as follows, via Business Insider:

While Randall Abramson, CEO and portfolio manager with Toronto-based Trapeze Asset Management, freely admits that we are living through the summer of discontent in "Commodityland," he says investors should step back and look at commodities, especially gold, from a...

The headlines are dramatic, ugly and depressing to anyone who holds gold right now. Broad market sentiment has shifted from disdain and dismissive to highly negative. Hedge funds are shorting gold aggressively, hedge funds that own gold are being “outed”. The market...

August 3, 2015

China’s recent stock market gyrations have some analysts now calling China the biggest bubble in history. But those who write off China because of market volatility are missing a more important long-term trend of Chinese geopolitical and monetary ascendancy. That...

Precious metals showed bullish technical signs in early 2015, including gold making a higher low at $1,141 versus the November 2014 low of $1,130. However, in late May gold failed to make a higher high, which was a pivot point and signal that lower prices could be...

In July, the U.S. Mint sold the most physical gold in two years even as the price of the precious metal briefly slid to its lowest level in five years. Goldcorp cut its dividend as part of a strategy to cope with slumping prices. The decision was made even after the...

Whenever the mainstream media decides to undertake one of its periodic attacks on gold and gold ownership, it almost always begins by laying out gold's long history as a proven inflation hedge. It then proceeds to explain that inflation is not a problem at the...

The answer to the first question is ‘sort of’. The answer to the second question is no. The effects of having an institution with the power to manipulate interest rates and the money supply at whim are equally pernicious whether the institution is privately or...

After gold's breakdown on Sunday July 20th, we have seen an avalanche of negative commentaries. Admittedly, the breakdown does not bode well from a chart’s perspective. We have to get that straight. The technical breakdown is going to lead the price of gold in US...

The month of July has seen the most intense demand for physical gold and silver since April of 2013, setting numerous records for the year. On the heels of the spectacular drop in spot prices, buyers of physical metal have come out in droves. In fact, available...

In just one day, a big chunk of JP Morgan’s gold was withdrawn from the COMEX. It’s been a while since we have seen such a large single withdrawal. According to the CME Group’s Friday Warehouse Depository gold stocks, a whopping 200,752 ounces of gold were removed...

As written two weeks ago, Gold very likely is within its final capitulation. Crashing through the last support zone between US$1,130 and US$1,140 opened up the door towards my often announced target US$1,035-US$980.

The world is awash with "promises". Nearly everything we think of as having "value" is because of a promise behind it. A few examples; your bank accounts, retirement funds, bonds and even the dollar bills in your pocket. Your bank account for example, once you...

The stock market likely put in a failing 'b' wave top Friday at SPX 2114. The chart below shows potential down as low as SPX 1920 for the coming decline into the expected August 11, 2015 low. The actual 40 week low is due on August 7, so I don't know if August 7...

You cannot understand gold if you think it goes up and down, that the dollar is money and therefore the measure of all things, including gold. This is a very bold statement, so let’s look a little closer.

August 2, 2015

Let me remind everyone that intermediate cycle lows (ICL), and especially yearly cycle lows in the metals, are always hard to hold onto. Even if you catch the exact bottom, they usually resist for a week or more and try to shake everyone off.

In this update on the broad market S&P500 index, we are going to look at no less than five charts, covering different timeframes. The reason for this is that there are different points to make on each of these charts.

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In 1934 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt devalued the dollar by raising the price of gold to $35 per ounce.

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