Traders stampeded out of gold, emerging markets and bonds this month, setting record monthly outflows in June.
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
July 1, 2013
I think the manipulation after QE4 has accelerated the bull market. We now have the necessary conditions for the bubble phase in gold to begin.
Stocks managed their third session higher as of Thursday June 27th and its too late to jump onto that move. Major indexes and leading stocks have rebounded into resistance along with a few key moving averages.
June 30, 2013
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching. It unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. The money powers preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity.
What is the message of the market as the week, month, 2nd Qtr, and first half of the year just ended? The second half of the year is likely to prove more troubling for the Bulls. We do not make predictions for a future that has not yet happened, but an assess
One of the biggest concerns of savvy investors since the ongoing crisis began in 2008 has been the safety and longevity of the various types of retirement accounts and systems.
Most market commentators’ focus on gold and silver, as well as with most markets, are short term. Rarely do they look back more than few years at the most. However, every now and then it is good to take a historical look at a market to see where we’ve been,
NYSE Arca Gold BUGS Index
Another week of weakness for the precious metals which is slowly but surely causing perma-bulls to lose heart. This game that is the markets is played to take as much money from the masses as possible.
June 29, 2013
Firstly, each is a one of a kind item that heretofore defies imitation.
“Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.” There is a similar situation with regard to fiat paper everywhere, but not a gold delivery to be made. The delirium cast by central bankers issuing unlimited fiat has kept so many people in a fiat-induced fog,
Without a doubt, this was a week of strong declines for the yellow metal. What could we read in newspapers and see on TV? The big banks were falling over each other in their scramble to get on the bear bandwagon. Here are some sample headlines:
June 28, 2013
There’s not much arguing against gold stocks being the most hated sector in the markets these days. And with such a loathing, you can only imagine the visceral disdain towards the more risky juniors.
TLT (T-Bond Proxy ETF) Major Top Chart
There was more mind-blowing news this week in bullion markets. This is to be contrasted with the deluge of shrill, gold-bashing propaganda being cranked out by the Corporate Media at maximum decibels.
The Pattern of Every Market Collapse
The markets continue their dead cat bounce while the economic data worsens.
First, let me say I’ve been way too early on this call. I’ve been wrong and don’t deny it. You have to own up to mistakes, learn from them and be humble. Moving along, the precious metals sector is likely days or potentially hours away from a bottom.
The gold (GDX) and silver (SIL) miners have been hammered down to historic 1999 lows, while the U.S. banks (XLF) and U.S.
June 27, 2013
Was former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker correct when he said concerning quantitative easing that its “beneficial effects…appear limited and diminishing over time”? That’s the $85 billion question that Wall Street is asking right now. An honest answer to this que
From 2007 the crises have grown - Central Banks can’t fix it alone!
Selling Low And Buying High: Hedging By The Gold Miners
June 26, 2013
It’s the economy stupid! The US economic recovery is so weak and the global economic backdrop could hardly be worse. The current flirtation with higher interest rates will end in tears very soon.
When Helicopter Ben Bernanke
Said the helicopter would descend
Last week was very disappointing for those who had previously been long precious metals and very profitable for precious metals bears. A lot happened after the FOMC meeting and the Federal Reserve Chairman’s statement on June 19, 2013.
Swiss parliament rejected a bill designed to resolve a dispute over undeclared bank accounts held by U.S. citizens last week.
The life cycle of most things not matter what it is (living, product, service, ideas etc…) go through four stages and the stock market is no different.