first majestic silver

Bear's Lair

Bear Markets always follow Bull markets and a severe stock market correction is long overdue. Bears Lair will spot, monitor and analyze the stock market correction as it develops.


As we predicted in last month's commentary headlined "May the Magic Month for Gold," the gold market has launched the bull market we have waited for right on schedule.

On Friday, I informed you that it was the BULLION DEALERS and TRADE that ran up the gold price after it broke above $275.

The price of gold exploded upward by $18.25 per ounce last week to close at $286.15 in New York. Why this dramatic rise?

As we examine 6000 years of monetary history, several very clear "Monetary Constants" seem to emerge.

Tuesday's assessment of the action as favorable . . .

Is this what a post-bubble economy is supposed to feel like? Folks are still borrowing and spending, with consumer credit up an annualized 4.7% in March, revolving credit up an incredible 11.7%.

The readers of this website are certainly more perspicacious than the average surfer.

The global currency outlook as it now stands sends two powerful messages to investors, bankers and politicians the world over: a.) the U.S.

Monday's hypnotic oscillations reinforced the nagging feeling that, Fed-wise, investors may no longer know what to hope for.

Gold price manipulated?

Conspirator theory rattles the market.

In my introduction to secular market trends I mentioned in passing that beginnings of secular bull markets (troughs in the st

NEWS-GURU Doug Gillespie Suggests Rate Cut Won't do Much for Stocks.

In my introduction to secular market trends I mentioned in passing that beginnings of secular bull markets (troughs in the st

The stock market has looked positively serene recently -- but so, too, at times did Hollywood's patron saint of schizophrenia, Norman Bates.

Dried-up trading volume . .

Gold stocks showed their first signs of life Wednesday, already providing preliminary confirmation of our earlier forecast for May to be the "magic month" in the gold sector.

Of course we all remember Dragnet, with Joe Friday telling everyone that he just wanted the facts.

Gold stocks showed their first signs of life Wednesday, already providing preliminary confirmation of our earlier forecast for May to be the "magic month" in the gold sector.

It is my hypothesis that the price of gold has been manipulated since August 5, 1993.

The action in the stock market yesterday was very interesting. Before the market opened, unemployment numbers caught Wall Street off guard because they were much higher than expected.

Portland is the last bastion of semi civil America urban life.

In our study of chart patterns, we have discovered a variation of a classical chart formation that contains tremendous significance from both a time cycle point of view as well as a supply/demand perspective.

'Fading the masses' . .

Gold mining share prices continued to charge ahead last week. The Philadelphia Gold/Silver Stock Index (XAU) at 55.76 last Friday rose 7.1% from the prior Friday.

It seems American consumers have come back to their senses in regards to the economic situation.

Virtually nothing has changed analytically from my last update for Gold Eagle in August 2000 ( ) except that I can now rec

Stocks Remain Hugely Overvalued!

In 1492 the Americas boasted highly advanced indian civilizations of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayas. They were builders, farmers and even had their own calendar. Then along came a man called Christopher Columbus.



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