first majestic silver

Bear's Lair

Bear Markets always follow Bull markets and a severe stock market correction is long overdue. Bears Lair will spot, monitor and analyze the stock market correction as it develops.




Rapid 'losses of faith' . .

In a previous column, I noted that if you lived in the west, and loved old radio like I do, that you could tune in KNX, Los Angeles, 1070AM at 9PM and 2AM Pacific Time to hear an hour of old radio every night, 7 nights a week.

The American economy will have collapsed before the powers that be admit there is even a problem. You have to admire Mr. Magoo and his comic relief team in their fetish like refusal to say the R word. Mr.

The recent hostile takeover attempt between Sun Trust, First Union and Wachovia underscores a problem that will soon become America's worst nightmare involving a domino of U.S. banking house collapses in 2002 and beyond.

Don't Get Suckered Back Into Stocks!

Rescued from the putrefaction stage?

Monetary Sins of the West

(I had an e-mail letter from a reader of a previous piece, who was outraged when I called dishonest Abe Lincoln one of our worst presidents.

The prices of gold mining shares and gold since our last Update (June 25) continued to consolidate their rapid end-March to mid-May upward moves. They tested their early June lows.

Tough Stock Market Will Get Tougher Still

The Marconi Crash . . . 'telegraphed' concerns that America's telecom woes weren't limited to this side of the Atlantic (in case anybody thought that was the case, which we can't imagine).

In last week's issue, we showed you what happens when the Dow declines 10% or more compared to the XAU.

Most of us have insurance.

But Deflation Argument is Not Real DeflationAre we getting off track? Let's review our expectations: we called for a Dow plunge in May/June and it's now July.

James Turk Sums up a Powerful Case for Gold

Fed reticence . . . was actually our preferred strategy for this FOMC meeting, as you know.

Hello all at the iii-community

The prices of gold mining shares and gold have been consolidating their rapid end-March to mid-May upward moves. They were little changed as of last Friday from our June 11th Update.

Of all the questions I am asked, practically on a daily basis, the most common one is, "When are prices of gold and silver going to go up?" It's a logical question.


After years of worldwide high broad based monetary growth (M3) many investors ask themselves in what direction the economy will go. Are we headed for hyperinflation, depression or will goldilocks come back soon?

Your pulse quickens when you walk through the door. There is that faint, but unmistakable, aroma of new car. The gleam of chrome, the luster of paint-even the pristine blackness of the tires.

Warren Buffett, the renowned value investor, is noted for his ability to respond to sellers of businesses "usually within five minutes" whether or not he is interested in buying that business (at a specified price, of course).

I think I've got the stock market figured out for this year. It's a quarterly thing you see. At the beginning of the economic quarter hope is high, Mr.

Huge financial losses . .

There are so many non sequiturs going around these days, that one can hardly tell fact from fiction.

This picture is worth 10,000 words

…and they all spell: B-E-A-R

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A one-ounce gold nugget is rarer than a five-carat diamond.

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