first majestic silver

Bear's Lair

Bear Markets always follow Bull markets and a severe stock market correction is long overdue. Bears Lair will spot, monitor and analyze the stock market correction as it develops.


Never short a dull market . .

The 50 basis point cut by the FOMC last Wednesday morning in its target for the federal funds rate took short-term nominal U. S. interest rates below German rates for the first time since 1994. Because the U. S.

We all wonder what would happen if certain things take place, just as we wonder what our life would be like if we had done so and so, married that gal we still think about occasionally, or had bought IBM 50 years ago.



Minutes of the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee meeting of January 31, 1995, reveal that the U.S.

It's only fair since the term is tossed around so much I tell you what I think it is. My explanation may not be the one you expect, but then I'm eccentric and proud of it.

The precious metals sector looks to shine in the months ahead. There are many positive things from a chart/cycle perspective that support a bullish gold outlook.

A brand new day is coming.

In an effort to present my thoughts on where we might be in the markets and the economy right now, please allow me to recount an experience I had as a wee lad.

This past December in "The Smoking Gun" I provided substantive proof that the Exchange Stabilization Fund was intervening in the gold market.

Gold producers around the world have been invited to the GATA African Gold Summit in Durban, South Africa, on May 10.

Couldn't have scripted it better. . .

All readers of GOLD-EAGLE know, I hope, that inflation is caused by increasing the supply of "money," regardless of what form it may take.

I guess the American consumers simply refuse to let go. In my last essay I reversed what I was trying to say about consumer confidence. Hey I'm free. And thanks for the surly emails accusing me of being too cynical.

My father's father made leather goods; especially saddles, bridles, and other necessities for horses.

How do you analyze a manipulated gold market is the question Bill Murphy and many more of us on the long side of the market have been asking for some time now.

The bullish alternative . . . was outlined last in last Thursday's nightly report, as the (ironic to some) probability of having Friday's market take a drubbing after the huge run-up the prior day.

Gold closed the week ending April 6th at $260.00. The bears have been out in force, as evidenced by the steep 1.8 million ounce increase in net short position on Comex.

The one word that I have assiduously avoided using in my daily newsletter, Black Box Forecasts is "hope." When we hold a stock, futures or options position that is going against us, I might say that it will take some luck to get us

Peter Warburton is the author of ‘Debt and Delusion’, Penguin, 2000.

We all remember the tale of the weaver who made a wonderful cloth which was invisible to one of royal birth or of the nobility.

Memo To: Washington Times Letters Editor

From: Jude Wanniski

Re: Gold and the Great Depression

The Nightmare on Wall Street . . . hasn't ended, though a unanimity of bearishness makes one ponder when something beyond a series of unsustainable intraday rallies occurs.

If the global system twitches anymore, it will be confused with a cow suffering from mad cow disease. Maybe we should call it mad economy disease with the chief vet being Mr. Magoo. Mr.

No question, yesterday's broad decline was a mean body blow to millions of investors.

This article is the first in a series showing how the ideas proposed by the futurist Harry Dent (when carefully developed) support the contention that the secular bear market predicted by Dent to begin in the 2007-2010 time frame a

Emerging from an enforced slumber . . . the bears were expected to return yesterday, and did.

Notwithstanding vast differences, gold, paper and credit have one common feature which is that virtually all the gold that has been produced and most of the paper instruments that have been issued are still outstanding.

To understand what might force an end to the gold manipulation scheme, it might be instructive to again examine the economic motives put in place by the central banks to make it worth while for the bullion banks to play the game.

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