In the financial markets, if there are equal numbers of buyers and sellers, prices would be flat. When buyers overwhelm sellers in a continuous basis, we have a bull market. When sellers overwhelm buyers, we have a bear market.
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
April 17, 2006
April 16, 2006
As long-time subscribers to are aware, I have a marked tendency to recommend the sale of things that become extremely overbought, which is generally a reasonable
April 12, 2006
Our service is to provide entries and exits to the three sectors of metals, energy, and technology for both investors and traders, using funds and ETFs, for simple execution, low maintenance management, and most of all, diversification.
Trade war in my opinion coincides with erosion of sovereignty from decades of chronic inflation. Trade protection, even protection from foreign ownership of prized assets, are the manifestation of failed policies.
April 10, 2006
The financial markets have been hit by numerous shocks from the Middle East to Katrina, Rita, Wilma and now potential oil shocks stemming from political upheavals in Nigeria, Venezuela and Iran; but the real and so far unperceived risks to world markets is that
Having broken out upside from its 3-month long trading range, which was not expected in the last update, gold is now theoretically in position to continue to advance, and may end the current intermediate uptrend by staging a vertical blowoff move.
“Cassandra cried and cursed the unhappy hour,
Foretold our fate, but, by the god’s decree,
April 9, 2006
This week a Chinese banking official commented that China held too many dollars in reserve and that perhaps the bank should seek to reduce its exposure.
"Because of the long-term structural deficit in silver, stretching back to World War II, we have consumed inventories for more than 60 years."
-Ted Butler, "The Coming Silver Bubble"
April 7, 2006
A strong argument can be put forward as to why the equity markets "should" be collapsing and "should" be in a bear trend.
A strong argument can be put forward as to why the equity markets "should" be collapsing and "should" be in a bear trend.
April 5, 2006
A lot of interest has been generated among our subscribers who obviously have different opinions and outlook for this blue chip mining stock, who was the largest until the merger of Barrick and Placerdome.
April 4, 2006
Giant geopolitical factors have been dominant toward the gold price in the last half of 2005 and the early part of 2006, having eclipsed trade deficits, absent savings, price inflation, and other plebeian economic fundamentals like consumer demand, job growth,
April 3, 2006
Before we start, some definitions regarding the money supply are in order. M1, Money Supply; consists of cash plus checking accounts and travelers checks. M2, consists of M1 plus retail money market funds, savings and small time deposits.
As the first quarter comes to a close, many folks take the opportunity to take the temperature of the market to see where the strengths and the weaknesses may lie.
April 2, 2006
I believe it was Johnny Cash who made those words famous- "I hear that train a'coming. It's coming round the bend." Today, I believe the fundamentals for the Precious Metals reflect something analogous to a train that is coming, alright.
Contrarian thinking is good to spot initial new trends but usually does not work to well after that and really does not pay off when it comes to predicting market tops.
March 31, 2006
What is the true value of gold?
March 28, 2006
A rant is due, on the eve of the latest screwball USFed rate hike. While the USEconomy boasts of being advanced, sophisticated, and developed, the last three decades have seen a crippling dependence upon inflation for the generation of wealth.
March 25, 2006
It's been a while since we looked at the relationship between gold and the dollar. These two have always had an inversed relationship with each other, if one is up, the other is down.
Gold confiscation is a subject that divides gold investors. Some say it won't happen again and others say it will happen again. The one thing they tend to agree on is that they don't want it to happen again.
March 24, 2006
With gold prices rising against all of the world's fiat currencies, some have suggested that gold now trades as if it were an alternative currency, on par with the dollar, euro, and yen.
How would you like to own silver without paying for it? You say it sounds like a fairy tale? Well, allow me to tell you about it by beginning my story in the classic fairy-tale fashion.
March 22, 2006
In the last update gold was expected to break higher, but instead it went into a rather steep downtrend, which terminated at support at the February low and the Reversal Day high in December.
March 20, 2006
Investing in the foreign exchange market is like judging a reverse beauty content, that is to say, trying to select the currency that looks the least ugly at any given moment in time.
March 19, 2006
With silver breaking to new highs, a lot of excitement is generated. Precious metals and related stocks are once again in the spot light, with many bullish analysis supporting a continued move higher.
March 15, 2006
A few key signals should gain attention as the investment community struggles to fix on accurate indications for US Federal Reserve policy changes.
March 11, 2006
March 10, 2006
It is not wise to write about gold's correction. It seems folks prefer to read those four and five digit gold price predictions, therefore, if you belong to the "to da moon" club, read no further.