The world is moving towards a “cashless society”. Sweden, which was the first nation in Europe to issue paper money in 1661, is presently moving towards becoming the first cashless society. Do you ever wonder why the current Central Banks, all over the world, want...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
January 29, 2016
January 28, 2016
Before we delve into the economic prospects for 2016, let’s take a look at the economies in the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East/Africa to see how they fared in the 2014-15 period. A clear metric for doing this is the misery index. For any country, a...
We have made some very bold claims in the past. Since 2010, to many jears, we said that the Federal Reserve would never raise rates significantly again. Most laughed. They said that surely this crazy, emergency 0% interest rate policy was only temporary. Five...
Investors today are focusing on the wrong asset class. Stocks started off the year with one of the worst drops in recent memory. As of this morning the S&P500 was down over 7% for the year thus far.
Some years ago I came to the conclusion that it would be wise to have a permanent footprint outside the U.S. It was a wise decision from many points of view. Living in more than one country allows you to vastly broaden your range of experiences, connections, and...
The current melt-down of the world's debt bubble is likely to continue in the course of the next months. The secular trend to expansion of credit has morphed into contraction and liquidation. It is my opinion that the new trend is now established and no action by...
Everyone knows that government expenses and deficits are out of control. Think U.S., Europe, the U.K., Japan, and others. So what? Borrowing today supposedly brings spending forward from the future, so future spending should be curtailed. It hasn’t happened so far...
In the last intermediate gold update, posted a month ago, it had become apparent that the 6-month cycle in gold had bottomed and that prices had begun the next rally phase. Prices are now approaching the original target area laid out in that update (see charts below...
As expected, the Fed kept interest rates unchanged at between 0.25 and 0.50 percent. In December, the Fed hiked its interest rates for the first time in nine years and signaled it planned to raise them by one percentage point in 2016.
Germany’s Bundesbank released further detail on its gold holdings on Wednesday, saying it transferred 210 tonnes of gold back to the country last year from vaults in Paris and New York. Frankfurt is now the largest storage location for the country’s gold reserves...
The month of January has been a wake-up call for complacent equity investors. From the peaks of last year stock indices in the major markets have fallen 10-20%, give or take. On their own, these falls could be read as healthy corrections in an ongoing bull market,...
We have consistently been making the contrarian call for a falling silver price and a rising gold to silver ratio for years. This ratio has risen a lot during this time. So are we ready to change our call yet?
January 27, 2016
Investors are worried over the prospects that the long-term momentum behind the stock market recovery of 2009-2015 may be in danger of complete dissipation this year. That would mean a certain date with an extended bear market and, potentially, an economic...
We could not help ourselves and put the word stock market crash in the title, because every Tom, Dick and Harry is now chanting this tune. Take a look at some of the recent headlines:
The bounce of the last few days has investors wondering if the bottom is in. Unfortunately, it very likely is not. High Yield bonds have lead stocks to the upside. They are now leading to the downside, and the High Yield bond market indicates we have further to...
Some analysts expect that the 2016 will be about inflation. They argue that the low inflation in 2015 was caused by a plunge in commodity prices. But the potential for further declines is limited, so we can expect inflation. Actually, there is a noticeable...
Looks like something big is about to take place on the Comex as Registered Gold inventories declined a whopping 73% in one day. This is a very suprising update as Comex Gold inventories haven’t experienced much movement over the past few months.
A reader recently sent me these charts. I do not know who put this collection together to give credit to but I do want to say these charts pretty much tell the WHOLE STORY! Please note each graph has grey shaded areas which identify recessions. What we need to...
In June 2015 I posted my forecast Shanghai Stocks Sink: Déjà vu 2001 & 2007…All Over Again – which accurately predicted the horrific rout in China stocks during the following seven months (to date). Specifically, stocks were dumped au masse in China’s major...
January 26, 2016
Assuming that the gold rally holds, we should expect higher prices in CRJ and maybe ABX. We are not sure about Kinross. CRJ (Claude Resources) is our bell weather gold stock, and it’s been performing like a stallion over the past few days, and over the past year...
Well, I may not have had “much” to say yesterday, but I SURE DO TODAY! My god, have the “horrible headlines” multiplied in the past 24 hours (it’s early Tuesday morning), which the following two pictures summarize perfectly – in spades.
Suppose you had a printing press in your basement along with a supply of perfect paper. You could slip down to your basement and print a batch of perfect $100 notes or 500 euro notes, but only in an emergency.
In a recent blog post, Martin Armstrong wrote: “This constant attack on central banks is really hiding what the problem truly is — government. When the Fed was created, it “stimulated” the economy by purchasing corporate paper.
The gold price rally is accelerating. That’s the four hour bars gold chart, and the price action is solid. Gold has broken out to the upside, from a second inverse head and shoulders bottom pattern. After a sharp pullback to the $1100 - $1108 area, gold should move...
The carnage always comes by surprise, often on an otherwise ordinary Saturday morning… The government declares a surprise bank holiday. It shuts all the banks. It imposes capital controls to stop citizens from taking their money out of the country. Cash-sniffing...
Making their annual pilgrimage to the exclusive Swiss ski sanctuary of Davos last week, the world's political and financial elite once again gathered without having had the slightest idea of what was going on in the outside world. It appears that few of the...
The odds that the gold price has bottomed have increased significantly over the past month. When gold first dropped below key technical support at the 2015 low of $1,072 in late November, I initially turned bearish. After all, this breach of support brought gold to...
The US dollar has appreciated more than 1.7 percent against the euro this year so far. Despite this appreciation, the London P.M. spot price of the shiny metal has risen 3.4 percent in January so far. It means that other factors have to explain the rebound in gold...
Hugo Salinas Price, Mexican business magnate, investor, and philanthropist and the president of the Mexican Civic Association for Silver, writes today that gold will soon return to its traditional role in the international monetary system.
January 25, 2016
The best performing precious metal for the week was spot gold, up 0.84 percent. Gold held its ground, despite a second half of the week surge in the broader equity markets. Gold climbed higher as the week progressed on the back of global market turmoil spurring...