The banks were considered too big to fail because it would have bankrupted the USA…and thus its reserve currency…and thus it worldwide hegemony, the ability to finance its military power by being able to use the printing press as long as they can maintain keeping...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
January 14, 2016
The US dollar price of gold declined in 2015, but the same year gold advanced in many other currencies. What can we learn from this behavior? The London spot price of the shiny metal, in U.S. dollars, declined 9.56 percent from $1172 to $1060 last year, marking its...
The commodities bust may be about to claim some brand-name victims:
I must say that I continue to be amazed at how “CALM” things are in these equity markets in spite of the significant chart breakdowns that are now being seen in so many different sectors. Look at how meager the move higher in the VIX has been especially compared to...
The implications of this 60-year quarterly chart for the CRB index is staggering if it completes this impulse move down, which so far has been working out beautifully. Again on this massive time scale you can see an unbalanced Head&Shoulder top that measures out...
UBS has warned that the seven-year cycle in equities is rolling over, we could see a sharp 30% correction in stocks…and that as per the headline of their ‘Technical Outlook 2016′, it is time to “buy gold”.
Similarly to what we did yesterday, the WGC pointed out that the gold was down in 2015 in the U.S. dollars, but not in all currencies. It also wrote: “more than 90% of physical demand coming from outside the US, primarily from emerging economies.
January 13, 2016
Wednesday Jan 13th was a wild session for US equities and many great trading opportunities are about to take place in various indexes, sectors and commodities. Let me share with you two intraday updates I sent to subscribers during the trading session so you can get...
As the presidential primaries quickly approach, the establishment is in panic mode over the prospect of losing control. It’s not just about Donald Trump. The political class, the “mainstream” media, Wall Street, and the central banking cartel are all losing...
Another reason I believe a new bull market in gold is upon us towards the end of 2016 is due to interest rate and stock market price correlation movements that one can see on the chart below.
As stock markets all over the globe start the week with more cliff diving, following their worst opening week in history, I’d like to take this opportunity to jam my finger in the central bank’s eye. The Federal Reserve’s recovery plan — which I’ll call “Goliath”...
Each time I hear someone suggest investors should ‘stay the course’ as markets tank, I fear such well-intentioned advice fails to adequately capture the predicament investors are in. Worse, the ‘stay the course’ mantra may set many investors up for failure.
Traders seem obsessed lately with the ups, and mostly downs, of crude oil — so much so that every dip, feint and jiggle in energy futures is being replicated almost tick-for-tick by the S&Ps. A recent op-ed piece by Don Luskin in the Wall Street Journal asserted...
Recently I published a mid-week metals update for members that said that “I have no reason to go short this market yet,” and that “I intend to ride this rally up.” The next day saw gold and miners rally quite strongly. And, as usual, we are hearing from most market...
The US dollar price of gold declined in 2015, but the same year gold advanced in many other currencies. What can we learn from this behavior? The London spot price of the shiny metal, in US dollars, declined 9.56 percent from $1172 to $1060 last year, marking its...
January 12, 2016
The movie “The Big Short” features Michael Burry. His statement from Zerohedge: “It seems the world is headed toward negative real interest rates on a global scale. This is toxic. Interest rates are used to price risk, and so in the current environment, the risk...
At the end of the year, I always urge investors to stand aside from the US stock market. That’s because major money managers tend to move large amounts of liquidity during the first week of January, setting the tone for the year.
The December Nonfarm Payrolls Report was considered as a sign of the US economy’s strength. In reality, the US economy is slowing down. What does it mean for the gold market?
On December 16th 2008, in what Ben Bernanke averred took a tremendous amount of “moral courage”, the Federal Reserve officially arrived at its Zero Interest Rate Policy. ZIRP was a huge win for borrowers because it drove down the carrying cost of debt to historic...
Some very worrisome charts for investors to consider. Stocks just took out their neckline.
Markets go up and they come down. The oil price is falling NOW. When the uneconomic wells have been closed down we will be facing shortages and resulting RISING energy prices. The time to act is BEFORE the crisis hits, not after it hits.
January 11, 2016
The most important question investors should be asking at this point isn’t whether the secular bull market which began in 2009 is over, but whether continued equity market weakness in 2016 will lead to the unthinkable, namely an economic recession. A recession in...
Who says gold lost its appeal as a safe haven asset? After five straight positive trading sessions last week, the yellow metal climbed above $1,100, its highest level in nine weeks, on a weaker U.S. dollar. The rally proves that gold still retains its status as a...
An acute shortage of readily marketable physical gold is developing that we believe will deepen in years to come. This possibility seems to be unrecognized by those who are short the gold market through paper contracts.
One of the most reliable truisms of stock markets worldwide is that History Is Prologue…and that Market Cycles are immutable…where only time and magnitude change. During the past 20 years Wall Street has enjoyed three Bull Markets…and the first two were followed by...
Maybe 2016 will be the year when equity bears finally get to celebrate. Although I wouldn’t call an end to the “buy the dip” era quite yet, the current market has a different type of feel and vibe to it. Many people believe – and there is supporting historical...
We were just treated to a fake official rate hike, and it was cleverly executed. The recent supposed USFed rate hike was a gigantic fraud, a misdirection, a clever ploy, and an act of extreme desperation. We were told of an official 25 basis point interest rate hike...
The US economy added 292,000 jobs in December. What does it imply for the Fed policy and the gold market?
DO NOT GET MARRIED TO GOLD. It is insurance. Remember that, stay objective and be sober-minded. Leave the wild-eyed gold cult to glory in its own rantings.
Let us look forward to the green shoots of 2016 and try to forget about those embers of 2015, leaving them to lose their glow and become history. Green shoots? Yes, it is a well known and no longer trusted description of the economy, but this time the focus is on...