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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


November 26, 2002

Desperate Times Require Desperate Actions

November 25, 2002

I wonder what it would be like to be a middle ages peasant whose entire lifetime of information equals about what I get in a good five hour Internet session. Mind you, our society is heading toward serfdom at a rapid clip. The people are ready.

We all have seen a snowball begin at the top of a hill, and begin its downward trek, picking up speed and snow as it proceeds. The larger it gets, and the faster it rolls, the more destructive it becomes.

November 21, 2002

A lot has happened since we first started writing about the great "Real Estate Bubble" over a year ago. Residential real estate markets nationwide continue to run strong with top prices prevailing.

A lot has happened since we first started writing about the great "Real Estate Bubble" over a year ago. Residential real estate markets nationwide continue to run strong with top prices prevailing.

November 20, 2002

I have chosen to delete the first 17 points as they refer to subjects that might cause the western precious metals researcher to prejudice the rest of this extremely important document.

November 19, 2002

Gold Trashed Gives Birth to the Big Dollar Lie

That the United States is the world's largest consumer of energy is indisputable.

November 18, 2002

First, be sure to read Doug Noland's great and scary piece on the current absolutely astounding state of credit in the US, better known as the Greatest Credit Bubble in recorded history.

In my most recent article I discussed the theory behind valuing a mine. This article attempts to apply that theory to derive a valuation for Silver Standard Resources Inc. (SSRI)

November 16, 2002

This'll be a pity party probably, because of the intense grief out there in gold futures land. I haven't seen gold take a dump of $6 within a couple of hours in many years.

November 13, 2002

Monetary Realists, knowing not so much what they've been taught, but what they've learned with their eyes open and ears tuned, see things clearly, without peering through a haze of misinformation masquerading as knowledge.

November 12, 2002

I have had numerous ideas floating in terms of another contribution over the past fortnight, however they were not sufficient to get the project over the line in terms of creating an article that may be able to add some value to the readers of th

In fact, that process of a dollar decline may now be in its very early stages, judging by the bearish posture of the dollar in the chart below. At 104.95, the Greenback has fallen below the 20, 50 and 200 day moving averages.

November 11, 2002

Frank Shostak is an economist at Man Financial, Australia. He was interviewed following the announcement of the Fed's latest policy move.

The Fed threw a party and nobody came. They surprised the market with a full 50 basis point cut rather than the consensus 25 basis points. To ease fears that the economy might be really bad the important bias was changed to neutral.

This article attempts to explain the difference in valuation methodologies when applied to industrial companies as opposed to mining companies:

November 9, 2002

January Platinum futures have been under considerable pressure lately and are at a pivotal point along its 4-month uptrend line.

The old game of tossing a hot potato from one to another, because if you held it too long, you'd get burned, applies now. Think about it, and once again compare it to 1924 in Germany, writ much slower.

November 8, 2002

To warm you up for today's editorial, I'd like to share three of the most powerful quotes I've had the pleasure of reading on the subject of gold and money:

"An aristocratic body is composed of a certain number of citizens who,

without being elevated very far above the mass of the citizens,

are nevertheless permanently stationed above them-a body which

November 7, 2002

During September we said that gold stocks were likely to experience a sharp correction and nominated the 200-day moving-average for the Amex Gold Bugs Index (HUI) as a reasonable objective for the correction [the HUI was trading at around 130 at the time].

November 5, 2002

Question -- What's behind this market advance, Russell? I thought this was a bear market.

The Dollar Decline May be Very Significant

November 4, 2002

We wrote last week (Oct.

The following two Point and Figure Charts demonstrate just how difficult it is to make a definitive call in today's market.

November 2, 2002

Most investors, and this includes most analysts, just don't know how bear markets work. Either that or they don't want to know.

To Quote Clinton, It depends on what the meaning of…" It really does!

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