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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


November 6, 2001

Ciprofloxacin is said to be the best antibiotic for the treatment of anthrax. I am not in a position to deny this, but because anthrax-especially the deadly pneumonic version-is so rare, I wonder how this discovery was made.


"Execute unrestricted warfare against the forces of Imperial Japan" were the orders of the day for December 8th, 1941. America has now issued another unrestricted warfare edict after our second Pearl Harbor on September 11th, 2001.

November 5, 2001

While grieving over the horror of September 11, 2001, American investors must not lose sight of the investment implications of the new war on terrorists. It has been quite some time since the U.S. was involved in a protracted armed struggle.

November 3, 2001

During the course of any given week we receive a good number of questions related to gold, the stock market and economic affairs. Some of these questions are universal and therefore merit broader dissemination than a mere individual correspondence.

November 1, 2001

Words pale, if not fail, in the aftermath of the September 11th tragedy and continuing terrorism. These are not occasions to be used to promote self interests.

Panic psychology is beginning to manifest itself among the trading public in ways not seen since the Great Depression.

October 31, 2001

October 29, 2001

The talking heads on CNBC and the other official members of the American misinformation machine are trying to con investors into buying the stock market on the basis that it is now so cheap. This is of course a monumental lie.

October 27, 2001

During the course of any given week we receive a good number of questions related to gold, the stock market and economic affairs. Some of these questions are universal, and therefore merit broader dissemination than a mere individual correspondence.

October 26, 2001

Techs continue dominating the action . . . as heightened domestic tensions show no tendency to reduce their impact on the broader economic conditions.

As the economy weakens, and almost exactly duplicates the horror of 1929-31, many rightfully blame a lot of the mess on Alan Greenspan. Greenspan, a one-time member of an intimate group of Any Rand's, seems to have forgotten all he ever thought and believed.

October 24, 2001

Peter Lynch of the Fidelity Megellan Fund fame needs to reinvent his idea of long term investing. Long Term anything these insane days means 24 to 48 hours. Will Israel enforce its Wednesday deadline with the PLO? Will a suitcase nuke be set off by Friday?

Many years ago I made the decision that I wanted to become financially successful, yet I was never taught in school or at home exactly how to achieve this goal. I therefore went to the bookstore and purchased Napoleon Hill's famous book "Think and Grow Rich".

October 23, 2001

Pushing Emotions Aside & Allowing Objective Truth to Prevail

October 22, 2001

The Dow is about to begin its final rollover for the year, eventually testing the critical 7400 cycle low last achieved in 1998.

October 19, 2001

Like politics, all recessions are local.

'The future of the world is at stake' . . . are not words of hyperbole from a network known for sensationalism, or an effort to elicit more anxiety from American citizens.

Certain myths seem to persist forever. Certain phrases are so common, that no one ever questions them, or realizes they are frauds. Common today, is the trite, "strong dollar." Excuse me, but would you repeat that? "THE DOLLAR IS STRONG!" The hell you say.

October 17, 2001

For those of you yet unaware, the United States economy is almost certainly in recession for the first time in more than a decade.  Furthermore, this recession would have in all probability have come to pass whether the September 11 Attacks on America had occur

October 16, 2001

Gold had a sharp correction last week as it declined to the $280 level, finding support at the 45-day moving average and maintaining the positive trend that has been in place since April.

October 15, 2001

TRADING NOTES: Anthrax murmurs swept from New York into the heartland on Friday, disrupting the Englewood, CO, post office that processes out-of-state mail eventually delivered to my neighborhood, among others.

The bombing campaign against Afghanistan along President George Bush's avowed "war on terrorism" will soon be put on hold as the United States must contend with a major battle of its own on the home front.

From a technical viewpoint, the U.S. equity markets had reached an "oversold" position following the post-attack decline so the last two week's rise was not terribly surprising to market pros.

What happens to the price of silver during a War? The price of silver soared in World War I and during World War II. (1)

October 12, 2001

Traders looking to hedge their portfolios from an expected "October Massacre" should consider going long shares of the South African mining stock Durban Roodeport Deep.

Neutrality surrendered . .

I hear this on a continual basis: "Suppose I buy gold, and the government tells everyone to turn theirs in?" Or, "What if the government comes around and seizes my gold like they did in the 1930's?" Or, "Suppose they pass a law making owni

October 10, 2001

In an automobile it is the horsepower that spins the wheels and makes spectacular clouds of smoke and long black drag strips on the tar; but it is the engine's torque that keeps the vehicle forging ahead when the going gets tough and the gradients get steep.

October 9, 2001

Following the attack upon the World Trade Center in New York (there are World Trade Centers in about ninety countries) the President has been throwing money around as though it were going out of style. (Which, of course, it is!)

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Minting of gold in the U.S. stopped in 1933, during the Great Depression.

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